It should be clear that the Sanctuary is not designed to “Take over any given project” rather; we’re here to offer the tools and resources for DAOS or communities to take over their own projects. Nobody is required to participate, the option is independent and on a case by case, and any changes are determined by respective inner DAOs alone. Nobody will be forced to burn or surrender an original token which can be swapped back from the vault at any time.

The Core Sanctuary team and Upper DAO absolutely needs these decisions to be guided by independent DAO’s and to be decided with democratic choice through ‘TRUE’ community. We definitely want to grow this as a grassroots project; first and foremost we're a social group, our playbook of solutions is growing but we recognize that we're dealing with a trauma element. We are first-time NFT buyers, rug victims, we want to be sensitive to those people and needs. The entangler is promising but mission one is growing the community and its trust.

Each DAO and its community will have its own governance model, based on proposals and voting. (e.g. one Rescued bear == one Rescued bear DAO vote) **On-chain voting

By building each independent DAO and team, we strengthen the greater community. This is a goal.

Of Note

Each independent DAO is responsible for creating, deciding/voting, and setting its own royalty structure before utilization of the Entangler system. The Upper DAO will have a 1 allocation % in order to fund devs and artists for continuing development initiatives. More on all the ongoing benefits of sanctuary can be found WIIFM (What’s in it for me?)