So, what do “I” get from joining and participating in the Sanctuary, what is our projects benefit factor?

There are a myriad of Sanctuary benefits that are initial and lasting. We have an expanding resource pool and tool box and are always looking to expand the rewards of Sanctuary DAO membership

  1. On-chain DAO governance: We will build the Realms DAO tools on our smart contract to allow you to have your own unique instance and DAO, including voting, multi SIG wallets and NFT banks etc.
  2. The prior lead dev of Genesys-Go (Super Shadowy Coders.) Levi Korg who is a visionary in the space is the core lead developer for Solana Sanctuary, his added support of our vision is a lasting value.
  3. An incredible network of leadership and support staff including Angered Bees, Exiled ape and Kemosabe - as well as a full backup team of roles to help fulfill project needs such as coaches, helpers, PM’s and resident artists.
  4. A community treasury and funds — depending on overall remint fee: When your project remints, the Sanctuary builds your meta data to pay your DAO, (Which we set up for you) and allows you to elect what to do with the DAO funds by council.
  5. New art: Most projects will be in need of a rework to the art, the Sanctuary has advisory artists and devs to help facilitate this change, we can help provide an artist for the job, or coach your artist/s you find within the community.
  6. Actual DAO incorporation in Wyoming. Once the DAO is established, we can set the council up with the proper channels to formalize and legally bind the DAO as an official DAO LLC in Wyoming. The option of outside of US entities is def on the table and would be case by case.
  7. Access to the Entangler, built by Jordan of Metaplex, who built the candy machine which almost every Solana NFT has minted from. This Entangler is then coded and changed per project by our Sanctuary staff to load a proper minting process for your new artwork.
  8. Access to all potential Sanctuary community partnerships — staking, access any upcoming metaverse projects and upcoming mints, etc.
  9. A growing vast umbrella of communities that work together and understand the process, projects at Sanctuary experience a lot of crossover and joining from and to other DAOs/communities
  10. Value Add to your NFT, with the Sanctuary’s aid, you’re not starting from zero and will likely have more tools at your disposal.
  11. Ongoing dev support for backend project work. Such as royalty or payment changes.
  12. Future Utility options such as staking and tokenomics.

— Ongoing dev support for critical issues. — Decentralized Marketplace — Staking options for GRAPE and/or HOPE